Free Credit report
The only truly FREE place to get your credit reports from the 3 major companies. I recommend you do this once per year.
Doing this is complex, however. They try to sell you stuff, and there are a lot of info and links to click through. This video helps simplify and explain how to use the site.

It is also worth buying your FICO score if you are going to be making a large purchase (car or house).

is a Quicken product where you can get free information as well as pay information.
an online service from the people that make Quicken. Very good site to use after you graduate.

it is really annoying getting all of the credit card offers all the time. One of the way to protect yourself is not get the offers! This site is the only legit site to Opt Out of the card offers.

Unit 1: Salary Info
  Vault / College
UnBroke streaming video from ABC News Career OneStop  
Unit 2: Interest Calculations Formulas PDF
Unit 3: Annuities




Unit 4: Credit

33 Ways to Avoid Identity Theft


Unit 6: Insurance Insurance Simulation
Financial Games  
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